The piggy bank door lock employs a Servo Motor SG 90 for media, a Relay to start the motor, and an RTC Ds1307 to display the time and date. can use a Wemos d1 small to monitor data after it has been saved and shown in a Google SpreadSheet. The TCS34725 sensor is used in the design to read the money's nominal value and detect color. Three ID cards are included with this tool: a savings ID card, an unregistered ID card, and an ID card that may be used to withdraw money from savings accounts. to use RFID as an access tool to scan ID cards.
a device that provides data on the amount of money saved. As a result, a Banknote Piggy Bank Prototype with Google Sheet Monitoring was created. Many people prefer the money deposit box as a method of money storage even if there are many different types of useful places to do so.